The Taylor 2-Sided Platen Grill is Ready for National Burger Month!
Is there a better month to celebrate National Hamburger Month than May? Spring is finally here, people are ready to sit outside at their favorite local restaurant and enjoy a little sunshine while smashing one of America’s most beloved menu item, the Hamburger.
How and when did the humble hamburger make it’s way to the top off America’s favorite food list? Although there is much debate on whether Fletcher Davis or Louis Lassen was the creator of the hamburger, I am sure we can all agree that we are just happy someone created it!
I imagine the hamburger just started out with a simple ground beef patty between two slices of bread in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. In 2021 that’s no longer the case. In the last two decades we’ve seen the burger evolve into towers of beef, topped with any ingredient imaginable or even pressed into the current trend of the smashed burger. Every restaurant across America competes for the title of “Best Burger In Town”.
With the state of the food industry, restaurants are finding it more and more difficult to keep up with consumer demand due to not having enough employees to cook the food.
Here at Taylor, we have created solutions for the ever growing list of problems in the restaurant industry. Our Two Sided Platen Grill cooks burgers in 2/3rds the time as a normal flat top grill. It has programmable cook times, with your choice of preset temperatures. It makes a 1 inch thick burger in less than 2 minutes and a smashed burger in 1 minute or less with the option of melting cheese on your burger in less than 10 seconds.
How does this solve your lack of employee problem? Instead of having to worry about someone over or undercooking your food, you just push a button and the 2-sided grill cooks both sides of your food and allows you cook to work on something else. Multi-tasking and efficiency in the kitchen has never been easier. The Taylor grill takes the guess work out and allows you to minimize your employee and waste cost.
Not only does our grill make THE best burger in town, it also makes the best grilled chicken or veggies. The options for delicious and consistent food are endless. Come take a look for yourself at one of our upcoming demos.